A Letter to Your Future Self from the Ugly Truth of Your Addiction

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The addict brain has an appetite for destruction and is fueled more by chaos than harmony. In other words, it’s hard for addicts to feel okay. And it’s not easy to feel compassion for someone who’s leaving shrapnel in their wake. But the more you can understand that the addict is in pain and just trying to get out of it, the easier it can be to deal with the recklessness and chaos that comes with it. Gathering your thoughts and feelings in a letter will make it much easier to communicate important things on your mind. Preparing intervention letters before the intervention prevents family members from negatively reacting to their dysfunctional family role during the intervention.

  • Families of drug addicts often suffer from emotional and financial stress, and children of drug addicts are at higher risk of neglect and abuse.
  • I believe that all Mainers deserve to be loved fiercely, without condition, and treated with dignity.
  • I’ll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
  • As you stop your connection with drugs, writing a letter to addiction may be able to offer you this closure.
  • It can also allow you to express the caring and emotion you feel that might be harder to communicate in person.
  • Describe the person in your own words that relate to how you view them — both before and after addiction — as well as what your relationship means.
  • The harmful chemicals in drugs cause cancer, heart attacks, infertility, obesity, etc.

There are many strategies to engage and diffuse the addict or alcoholic while bringing them to the point of considering a change. Trained intervention professionals can help you understand the importance of this during the intervention letter writing section of the family day preparation. There are different ways to communicate with the substance user depending on where they are in the stages of change.


In the meantime, I remain hopeful that one day you’ll win your battle against substance abuse. Please know that wherever and whenever that happens, your parents will be waiting. We might need some time to get to know our son again, but no matter what happens, you’ll always be our son. I know that there can be many disappointments and rejections along the way, and it seems that the only easy fix is using substances to masked the pain. I missed my carefree and loving daughter before addiction has consumed you.

But we all have different levels of sensitivity. This is an additional letter read in the event your loved one refuses help and the family has exhausted all of their efforts. This section is often mistakenly combined with the loving and respectful connection intervention letter outlined above.

Drug and Heroin Abuse in Young Adults

Knowing that you’re not alone in this fight is a comforting and hopeful feeling that can help you find the strength to support your children through their addiction. Sometimes, even when you find yourself writing a letter to your drug-addicted son, you’ll see the power of support. Most parents know about the existence of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Still, they don’t know about support groups for parents with addict children. Yes, many drug rehab treatment centers offer support groups and therapy for families.

I’m of the belief that addiction is not a choice. Once the addict goes into a craving state, it’s beyond willpower or intelligence. Intelligence can actually be a detriment because the smarter people are, goodbye letter to drugs the more they believe they can think their way out of the problem. The intervention participants will acknowledge their need for help while asking the substance user to join them on a path to recovery.

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But it does not mean that  I love you less now. Whatever happens, the love will remain as it is. Because the intervention process is intense and emotional, concluding your letter with a description of https://ecosoberhouse.com/oxford-house/ the issues at hand and the rules you’re enforcing may come across as overly harsh. Instead, use the letter’s end to restate your love, recap your commitment, and explain why treatment is essential.

drug addiction letter

Recovery is more than those pink clouds over the hopeful sunset. At any given time, detailing the truth of one’s own specific situation might seem obvious, perhaps even redundant. After all, most people navigate their own lives with the assumption that they will remain steadfast in their convictions.

I think saying goodbye to you will be the most difficult thing I’ll ever have to do. You’ve been here for a long time, and I assumed you’d never go. Nobody in this room planned for this, nor did we want anything like this to happen. The reality is we are here, and we can help each other. This moment has been put off entirely too long, and we are ready to get help for ourselves starting today. Nobody in this room has clean hands or a clean conscience.

For those who will not write this section, we can collaborate on an intervention letter that will send a compelling message while avoiding confrontation. We spent immeasurable time trying to find a way to support you. It hurts so bad to remember the countless hours we spent worrying about you. Even with our best efforts, we soon realized we were helping our addict, not our son; he was already gone.

teens drug addiction

The goal is to disarm this resistance by affirming the addict in the letter’s opening paragraph. This will result in a more receptive substance user. Most addicts and alcoholics blame everyone in the room during the intervention on some level for their problems.

  • All I wanted to do was make changes in my life that would be for the better.
  • At any given time, detailing the truth of one’s own specific situation might seem obvious, perhaps even redundant.
  • Contact our admission specialists today to learn more about our treatment programs and how we can help you and your family find the right path to recovery.
  • In fact, it is often the key to successful recovery.
  • Once you quit the drug or behavior, you may have to fix and repair the gut.

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