You have found someone you enjoy on an online dating site, and you’re prepared to ask them out on a date. However first schedules are always just a little intimidating – you don’t discover how to start out and perhaps the person to get meeting features any biochemistry along.
When you meet the first time, you have to put on a confident face and present yourself in the best way possible. This includes dress up well, choosing the right areas in order to meet, picking out the ideal conversation topics and being present and excited about the time.
Besides that, you should also create a spark around the first date by being lively and natural. The easiest way to do this is by being entertaining, talking about things you love, doing new things and communicating emotions and vulnerability.
Make an excellent impression on your date simply by presenting yourself in a clean and classy way, applying good quality makeup and wearing appropriate clothing that may be flattering for you both. No longer employ fake piercings or ear-rings as these may suggest you are trying to seem younger than you are.
Its also wise to have an effective exit approach in place, therefore don’t count on your date to take you house if that they feel uneasy or don’t discuss your interests. It’s also wise to carry your own transportation for the first date, while this will give you a sense of freedom and control.
Another important thing to do with your online dating first date is usually to be truthful and straightforward about your intentions. Avoid heterogeneity as it will confuse and derail the relationship.
Iscritta all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano e specializzata in diritto civile, da circa venti anni mi occupo di controversie in ambito di responsabilità civile contrattuale ed extracontrattuale nonché diritto di famiglia, ora mediatore civile e commerciale in DPL Mediazione.
Dopo i molti anni di attività giudiziale, mi sono avvicinata alla figura del Mediatore ritrovando in essa caratteristiche più affini alla mia personalità ed etica.
Credo in una giustizia che non coincida pedissequamente con quanto stabilito dalla Legge e che sia frutto di incontro d’intenti, ragionevolezza e rinuncia reciproca verso la miglior soluzione nell’interesse comune, con la consapevolezza che anche la miglior sentenza non incontri la piena soddisfazione delle parti coinvolte.